Loving the cold weather ! Except the fact that my aircon cannot on cos mumsie says dont waste electricity...

These days, been thinking alot.
Saw one quote today that makes me wanna pen.
"The new year means nothing if you're still in love with your comfort zone."

How true is that?
Sometimes, you can try triggering some discomfort to push the limits.
Its whether or not you're willing to take the leap.
Change is the only constant - someone once told me.
Nobody knows if the change is for sure, something good.
If it isnt, just gotta make fine tuning or changes till you reach another comfort zone.
The fortune telling reads say I should upskill.
And I feel like. Actually, I feel that I should learn codes in the past. Its a more alive and mind triggering fun subj...

Been htht-ing more often with babylove.
Guess there are lotsa stuffs, we can or should only share with each other.

I was thinking of my past relationships.
Maybe recap should be the word. Like how did they start and why did they fail.
Besides feeling portion, I think that trust, respect and communications are way impt.
2pax got together cos of love.
Love only brings pp that far till problem arises.
Communication solves problem, if you are not the person your partner can rely on to rant or to discuss issues, cos you're only there to put him or her down or give ideas that is not solution solving but digging at his or her misfortune, yups, you just ruined your r/s.
Respect , you need to be proud of the person you are with.
He or she need not be wealthy, damn successful or whatsoever for you to be proud of.
Its appreciating the person for who he/she is. Appreciate the changes, improvement that he or she is going through.
Trust. Because you 2 are open enuf, be it the probs u are facing in ur life or the happy stuffs that you are involved in. Trust develops and this bonds the couple even more.

Ok, shall keyboard till now
Til then.



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